Shirin Neshat was born in Qazvin ( about 100 kilometers northwest of Tehran, the Iranian capital ) in 1957. She
was one of a wealthy family with five children , his father was a
doctor, she describes as a " well educated and progressive people " ( "
Shirin Neshat : Iranian exile and artists "). His
mother was " a typical Iranian woman " who have received almost no
education , has family and domestic life ( MacDonald ) committed . Neshat
's family supported the Shah of Iran , Reza Pahlavi , whose goal was
modernization and Westernization Iran so he could be a world power with
Western countries .
family wanted to get their children to a Western education when Shirin
was at the age of 17 ( " Shirin Neshat : Iranian exile and artists " )
sent to the United States. She
attended school in Los Angeles for a Hochschulabschlussund attended
college at the University of California , Berkeley, then . Neshat has remained his mastery of painting at the University for his BA , MA, and in 1983. Two sisters abandoned their studies , return to Iran and eventually marry ( MacDonald ) .
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